Global Tree Meditation-Virtual

Join the Global Tree Meditation from the comfort of your home. Meditate by yourself, with a friend or with a favorite tree any time during the day on July 20, 2024


Find a tree in your yard or nearby …. OR if you prefer, close your eyes and visualize a tree ….. Greet the tree and ask the tree if it is willing to work with you…..

If the answer is yes……  Sit/stand or imagine yourself with your back against the tree. Ground your feet to roots, your back to the trunk (or find a comfortable position).

Close your eyes and breathe deeply, bringing yourself into a state of relaxation by any means you choose.

Slowly bring your awareness to your breath, and find a comfortable rhythm breathing with your tree….

When you inhale imagine the tree exhaling; when you exhale imagine the tree inhaling…

When your breath is in sync with the tree, merge your heartbeat/heart center with that of the tree…

Take your time, enjoy, don’t rush the process.

Call on the frequency of PAN, God of Nature…the spirit of wild, irrepressible life essence…

Call on the overarching Great Dryad of all tree spirits to open a channel of energy from the universe to facilitate the ascension of beloved Gaia, Mother Earth.

Visualize this cosmic stream of energy reaching the tree canopy … and slowly move down through the trunk of the tree to the root system ….. visualize connecting the root system to all the trees in the area, and then extending beyond the roots to the center of the Earth to energize the crystal core…. Stay with this for a few moments…

Now channel this activated energy back up through the trees and radiate it out through the canopy of each tree into the aura of the planet….. BREATHE…

Now, visualize people all over the world doing the very same thing…. Humanity and tree beings are working together as equal partners … The energy emanating from the tree canopies creates a Net of Light which gently envelopes the planet and saturates the Noosphere, that sphere of human consciousness that surrounds the planet.

See, feel, sense or imagine yourself as a radiant jewel situated at a crossroads within the Net of Light broadcasting this beautiful high vibration of love you have received from the trees.

Next, seed the Noosphere with these intentions:  to energize the original blueprint of the planet… restoring the balance between humanity, trees and all of the nature realms… to awaken humanity to their inner divinity…and to rebuild and reset the grid of love and respect between people and the natural world……

Hold, set and seal the intention…. when the process feels complete slowly release the energy with gratitude…           Thank the trees and all of the seen and unseen beings… and know you can always return and visit again.

 The template and a torus of energy was seeded with four trees in Osprey, FL on March 30, 2020

Global Tree Meditation Audio

The 2024 Global Tree Meditation Video narrated by Kathryn Kelton will be available on Youtube on July 19. Check back soon for the link.