About the Redwoods project

In 2022, Beverly Templeton of Global Tree Lovers, created a project called “Messages for the Redwoods.” She collected over 70 letters sent in from around the world, written to the Redwood trees. She was joined at the Redwoods National and State Parks by Rhonda Richardson, Garth McMurtrey, Anastasia Sprout, her dog Sparky, and Park Ranger Wonder Heart. Gathering at the base of a beloved tree Garth knew as “Grandfather” they read these messages of love and gratitude to the ancient trees.

Please enjoy the images of the Redwoods paired with selected messages by clicking on the video link below.  We hope they will inspire you to deepen your connection to all trees and to the natural world; to remember that we are all part of nature.  If you could send a message to the Redwoods, what would you say? 

Messages for the Redwoods video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnFcjwMXkh0

The Messages for the Redwoods will become an interactive multidisciplinary traveling exhibit which will be featured at several National and State Parks Visitors Centers in northern California. The display will consist of images of the majestic Redwoods paired with selected messages, access to the video via a QRCode, and questions for visitors to ponder. Visitors will be able to leave handwritten messages to the Redwoods which will be read to the trees by a Park Ranger. First stop will be the Hiouchi Visitors Center on April 28, 2023, Arbor Day.

Thank you to everyone who sent a heartfelt message! Many thanks, also, to Garth McMurtrey, Rhonda Richardson, Park Ranger Wonder Heart, Bev Templeton, Anastasia Sprout and Sparky, the Redwoods National and State Parks and Global Tree Lovers.