
TreeSisters is a UK registered social change and reforestation charity that places tropical forest restoration into everyone’s hands.

Archangel Ancient Tree Archive collects genetics from the oldest and largest known trees, and then replants to improve global forests.

The Tree Whisperer offers Information about healing trees and nature.

Partner with Nature offers free scripts to communicate with nature and trees.

The Global Tree Network is a global campaign of awareness and celebration of the relationship between humans and trees

Mission Green is a bold endeavor to promote tree conservation, economic stewardship, and continuous education, focusing on special places globally that are scientifically identified as critical to the health of the earth’s forests and biodiversity or Hot Spots.

Kuntanawa The Kuntanawa people of Brazil spread the message of protecting the rainforests by offering ceremonies with the aid of plant medicines, their voices and music..

Thriving Planet offers workshops and information about tree communication with Elisa Novick.

The Fairy Congress is an annual event for connecting with fairies with nature spirits, in it’s 20th year.

Damanhur, an eco spiritual community recognized by a branch of the United Nations as a model of a sustainable future, is best known for the Temples of Humankind. Offerings include Music of the Plants and Communication with the Plant World.

The Findhorn Foundation is a dynamic experiment where everyday life is guided by the inner voice of spirit, where we work in co-creation with the intelligence of nature and take inspired action towards our vision of a better world.

Grandmothers Net of Light is casting the net of light for the world.

Global Earth Repair Foundation is working for land and forest restoration across the planet.

Music of the Plants offers devices to facilitate communication between trees/plants and people through the universal language of music

The Listening Field – CoCreating with Nature Elders by Danielea Castell.

The Tree Conversations – Communicating with Trees through art by Elyse Pomeranz